Pregnancy After Cesarean Section

186 Replies
cush74 - April 3

I was told to wait 2 years before falling pregnant again after my caeser. Everyone else I know who has had one was told 1 year. I live in Australia, it sounds as though our doctors are a bit more cautious.


mark - May 3

god be with and guide the women who lost your babies, and god be with and guide the women raing your new babies. my fiance gave birth to our beautiful baby girl on 4-5-6. we went in for our weekly checkup and we failed a non stress test, baby wasnt moving much. they sent us over to the hospital, to make a long story short, her heart beat dropped three times in twelve hours, the doctor wanted her out so they did an emergency c section. she was 25 days early. she was tiny, but healthy and beautiful. my fiance and i want to have a child right away, but when we were at the doctor to get her staples out, the doctor told us we should wait 1 year before she gets pregnant. i was just looking to see if it could be done sooner because we really both want to start our next child but i will not put my fiance in any harm, she is the love of my life, she is my life. so thanks to all of you ladies, your answers really helped me. god be with you all.


taniaengelbrecht - May 5

i was 7 months pregnant and my little girl died inside of me. they say it was due to me contracting the cytomegalovirus. they removed her by c-secion on 14 march 2006. the pain is undescribeable and the only way i feel i can carry on is if i fall pregnant again. i phoned 3 different docs and all say i can fall pregnant straight away.


sarah212 - May 30

The ideal time to wait is at least 18 months between your first pregnancy and your second and so on, this gives your body time to heal and get back to post pregnancy state. x


Rhonda - May 31

I had a c-section and then got pregnant 3mos later,and everything went fine.I had no problems what so ever.My dr had told me that it would be fine to get pregnant b/c i was healed enough that me or a baby would not be in any danger.I just wanted to let you know,so you dont have to wait forever to try again.


Shanna - May 31

Had to have an emergency c section with my daughter due to high blood pressure, she was born 5 weeks early, no problems breathing and came home with me. 5 months later, took a pregnancy test and it came back positive. Don't see myself having any problems since I healed up very quickly and without any issues. My sister in law became pregnant 3 months after her first one was born and both her girls are perfectly fine.


amyh - June 4

I was told that I had to wait a year, if I wanted to have the chance at a natural birth next time around.


olivia - June 4

I only waited 6 months and they are offering me a chance at natural birth and are completely supportive. I guess it depends on your personal situation and doctor.


Jannethe - June 19

I'm 36 years old, last March 19th I gived birth by a section a lovely baby girl who only lived 18 hours, she born with 38 weeks pregnancy, we still don't know what happend it seems she had breathing problem for a Hialin Membran, today is three months that this happend and We want with all our heart to have another baby she was the light of my life our first one, I need a baby soon, but our doctor also sais to wait 6 moths, should we least 5.....


lovemy3 - June 19

I'm sorry for your loss. I have had 3 sections. My dr has always said 1 year. Now trying ttc #4 and it will be born via section again he has said 12 to 18 months being the 4th. he is a specialist at a high risk centre. I have noticed that each dr's opinion varies however.


tachimommy - June 27

I had a csec. 8 mths ago. She's gorgeous. i put on 60 pds, I 'm struggling to loose the weight. But my questions is; can i have the unborn that i currently found out about? help. very scared. This will be my 4th child, second csec. My friends say it's a risk. -confused.


Lynne - June 28

Are you worried about the timeline being 8 months? If so, then don't worry. You will be just fine. You will be watched closely but that is a benefit. If you read in this thread there are some women who became pregnant 3 months after a section and were just fine. My peri told me to wait 6 months (I had the vertical section) which in subsequent pregnancies you have a higher risk of complications so if I would only have to wait 6 months for that, then I am sure you are just fine. Congrats on your pregnancy!!


toolie - June 28

i had a c-section in may 2005 and got pregnant when my daughter was 9 mons old. my doc had told me to wait one year but said that many women who don't wait have no problems. i am halfway through this pregnancy and everything is going wonderfully. i wouldn't worry. just enjoy being pregnant and look forward to meeting your new bundle of joy


tachimommy - June 29

Thanks all for the responce. I'm probably worried about nothing.


js_xton1979 - July 3

I am 5-6 weeks pregnant and my baby is 12 weeks old. I had to have emergency c-section, but everything was fine I have healed and am doing great. I am totally scared to be pregnant so soon, but I guess I will just have to stay healthy and take good care of myself.


irishgal - August 16

I have just cried my eyes out reading this page...I too have had my own personal tragedy..In January this year i went into labour at 41wks with a perfectly healthy baby girl kicking inside me...due to hoppital neglect (lack of monitoring) my little girl was struggling after 18hrs of labour. As I wasnt being monitored nobody noticed till the last minute&I was rushed 4 a c-section..she was stillborn. I feel so empty now...I put my trust in so-called professionals and they let us down. p-mortem results prove she was perfectly healthy..and the midwives admitted if they had noticed in time she would be makes me so angry, I feel i left my daughter down by not noticing or helping her...she was only trying to get out to meet us and nobody helped her/us...its killing me....and i now have to deal with the fact that everyone around me is getting pregnant or having babies and we are trying 2 conceive for months with no luck....its so thinking of giving up. I find it so hard trying 2 put on a brave face,when every night i cry into my babies photos and her empty baby book....i think of her buggy&moses basket lying idle in the can I ever deal with this???I feel nobody understands...I also know its impossible to even imagine this pain unless you go through it. Im also noticing my periods are quite this preventing conception?cos obviously im fertile&i ovulate every month...I know this is long winded but I hope somebody out there has some advise about improving the lining of the womb or just coping in general....but please dont tell me turn to glad that worked for others but no god would steal my little girl from my arms and let other babies be borm to abusive dont even go there. In answer to the trying again question my doc told me 3 months...but its just not happening 4 me...



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