Thinking Of Elective C Section

9 Replies
yumymumy - January 7

every women is differant and every birth and c section had pros and cons. for me my VB i had in 05 was great tho as soon as he was born i was feeling HORRIBLE. my placenta was torn, holey and small it had to be removed manualy the docs arm was elbow deep. i damaged my coxic bone during labour or birth casuing a limp hip and leg for months after, i had physio and it eventualy went away. and then just the little things like feeling swollen, sore. hurting to wee and feels scary too poo for weeks, even after i stoped the bleed at 5 weeks after i couldnt have s_x i was too sore.. soo based on my past experiance i would like to experiance a c section. not only it is more organized for my family to take time off work, and for my son to be baby sat over the day/night for a fdew nights if need be. our income is only from my hubby, and if it was a planed c section we can save. organize it with his boss....theses things are not excuses they are alljust small perks ya know. anyways... i would just basically like to experiance the c section birth.. i had surgery about 2 months before i fell pregnant with this baby. 2 insisions were made, one where a c section would be made and one through the navel. would theses insisions be simular to a c section cut? and heal simular? my surgery took around 3 weeks to fully recover.the same rules were applyed, no lifting etc... so is there anyone who has HAD a VB and then was thinking about having/ or had a c section by choice? and what did you think??


yumymumy - January 8

please tell me anything you think i should know, that i maybe dont know already. facts/ satistics/ personal experiances in brief and what they dont tell you about c sections, thankyou:)


Perl - January 8

I had a c section because my baby was in breech position and he would not turn nor could the doctor turn the baby because of where my placenta was she could have caused some damage so my c section was necessary. I never would have elected to do it because it takes 6 weeks to recover minimum and the pain during the first week is horrible and a bit better after that. Right after a c-section it hurts to sneeze, laugh, squat down to go to the bathroom, even sitting down, rolling over in bed and bending over to pick up the baby from the crib are painful to do during those first weeks after the c section but that being said I'd probably not trade the pain/discomfort of a c section with limp hip and leg and the other pain you felt for months after your VB. I think a c section is less traumatic and safer for the baby but not for the mother. I know this doesn't answer your question except that it might give you a bit more info on what it feels like after a c-section and mine was a good experience. Some women get infections, don't heal properly or have complications with the anesthesia, or have the annoyance of stomach muscles that won't ever be the same shape again because they've been cut or stretched during the c section. Just a few things to consider. Good luck in making your choice and remember that it is YOUR choice. Some people may not like your decision but you're the one who has to live with the pain either way regardless of which way you decide to deliver.


CodyKatie5 - January 8

I have not delivered v____ally, but I did undergo a c-section in August (daughter was stillborn at full term). While my experience with my c-section wasn't bad, I do not really want to go through another one. I recovered very quickly, but I was very sore for about 3 to 4 weeks post partum. Keep in mind, I didn't have a little one to look after. My daughter was breech, so I was scheduled to have a c-section anyways and that is why I delivered that way. Perl is right that everything hurts, sneezing, coughing, laughing, getting out of bed, peeing, the works. I got really bad gas (sorry if TMI) 2 days after my c-section because it enters when they open you up, and I couldn't even use my tummy muscles to fart it out, sorry if that's graphic. It is actually better for a baby to be born v____ally because it helps get all the fluid out of their lungs during contractions. Also, keep in mind that a c-section is major abdominal surgery and carries all the risks of infection and stuff like that. I personally am thinking about attempting a VBAC on my next pregnancy, moreso not because of my experience with a c-section, but I would like 3 or 4 living children and with every c-section scar, there is a chance of placental problems and it makes each subsequent pregnancy a little riskier. Oh, also, my c-section scar is right below my bikini line and is probably about 4 inches long. Whatever your decision, it is yours and just make sure that you are confident in your decision. Good luck!


yumymumy - January 8

thankyou for the advise. perl i cant get enough of c section stories i can read info off the net till the cows come home but at the end of the day, real stories are the best to read and hear. codykatie5 i hope that you can have a vbac so its a totaly new experiance for you, its great you had a good c section and you healed great, thats what i want to hear. but i can imagine just the general whole experiance with what happened, would not be nice to have another c section again. hopefully VB works out next time!... im trying to think about it, a part of me feels confussed because i dont have a set plan in my heart, like most women have more of a idea of what they want... my previous pregnancy was a planed c section, i had pre eclampsia at a early stage and giving birth as your blood pressuire rises anyways would of been very dangerous for me. somehow at the last minute they decided to try light pushing. i didnt tear at all, but almost was cut to help baby come out i was terrified of what was happening. its a weird feeling knowing your about to give birth. my recovery took ages, by the sounds of it about as long as a c section. i think at the end of the day there are satistics we all know what they say. but also, women have both great and shocking experiances with both. and all i cant stop thinking about is that atleast with a c section i know what to expect and with a VB anything can happen during and the aftermath! lol. uuuggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh i did this last time with my son, as i get bigger i get more shocked of the realisation that IT HAS TO COME OUT EITHER WAY lol. i can never get used to this i swear..... :')


kay101 - January 9

I had a pretty good c-section. You'll probably need a good bit of help with the baby at home for the first week. I was in the hospital the normal 72 hours and had mild pain medication, none after I left. The only thing that I would was actually painful, and only for a brief second, was having to hold a pillow over your stomach and coughing once a day. I was up and walking around the next day, slowly, hunched over, and like an old lady. By that night I was able to walk around upright and was just very sore, like I had done WAY to many situps. By the time I got home I was able to move around just fine, by the end of the week I was able to walk around holding my daughter and be out and about like normal. I'd limit my trips though because I would get a little sore if I over did it.


KRISTINA - January 12

Do they perform c-section to women who want them, just because they want them? I thought you needed a medical reason to have a c-section?


yumymumy - January 13

usaly c sections are performed casue of complications, previous c sections or complicated previous labour and birth.. there is other concerns women have like fear of labour/damage of a v____al or a__s tear, or maybe there previous birth was ok for the books but for the women she found it traumatic, a doctor will never reccomend this surgery unless he feels its right, so in cases for women who choose to have a c section, a doctor will explain all the dangers and such and at the end of the day if you want it, they cant say no... i know this is true here anyways, not sure about other states. one day certian i will have a c section, other days think ill go thro labour again. i think ill wait and decide later down the road thanx for the replys people it helped me alot.


steffoss - January 16

My first was misserible ... it was emergancy premature labour ( c - section) but ... my son was in ICU for a month soo i took full advantge of the wheel chair... it was horrible!!! My second C section was amazing!!!!! i was home within 24 hours climbing stairs..... I was so alert for both and my doc. made it sooo fun for me we laught and told jokes.... and the scar is BEAUTIFUL everytime i look at it i think of my amazing boys!!!


KarinaAnn - January 22

So I have a question I just found out im pregnant and I have HPV can I get a c-section because I really dont want to give birth and have that affect the baby. What do you think?



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