i had a baby 5months ago by c-sectioni just found out im pregnant again.should i be worried or do you think me and my unborn baby will be okay?im just really worried.
You will probably have to have another c-section cause you getting pregnant so soon. It is not good for you to have gotten pregnant so soon after having a c-section cause your body needs time to heal from major surgery. Good Luck!
I had 4 c-sections fairly close and did fine. Take good care of yourself,plenty of rest, good food,etc. You will do fine.
Well i did"nt plan this next pregnancy so far everything seems okay.i am only six weeks,i have"nt seen a doctor yet.im so scared.
Rhonda- I got pregnant 3 months after my first csection. I am due in November-so im about 5 months right now. I havent had any complications thus far. My doctor says that by the time your uterus starts to expand you should be well healed on the inside. Just take care of yourself and make sure you see a doctor and everything will be fine. Good Luck with everything!
Thank you guys,now im not as worried