| J - May 3 |
Anyone else having pain around the belly button area? I'm 29wks. and today is the first time I've felt this. It is more like a scratch, not a kick. It happens in spurts. Anyone?
you baby i not kicking he or she is just scratching his or her toes in u
| mm - May 24 |
Me too, and it is quite painful! It happens in spurts with me too. I am now 26 weeks and felt the pain the other day. Possibly it's the tip of the utereus extending upwards???
I'm 30 weeks and have just noticed my navel area is very sensitive - externally. If my middle rubs against a surface, it's slightly painful. I don't really notice any other strangeness...
I am 6 months and having pain inside my belly around the belly b___ton. It also comes in spurts - at times very painful like knives.
I am 35 Weeks and just noticed my belly b___ton pain the other day. It is painful to touch, but not all the time.
Very sensitive to touch.
I am 30 weeks pregnanct and thought I was crazy to even be asking about belly b___ton pain. I have yet to get a real answer as to what is causing it. It feels at time as if I have cut myself and the area is just sensitive but theres nothing there.
this happens due to your uterus pressing outward beneath your belly b___ton it is normal and can eventually lead to your belly b___ton poping out
I found with my last two pregnancies that using ice on the belly b___ton area was the best form or releif!
I have a pain in my belly b___ton
I have excrusiating pain in my belly b___ton. Feels like someone is pulling on it from the inside. I think it may be from a hernia. It's extremely painful and i'm not sure what to do about it
My wife is 35 weeks and she complained about the belly b___ton pain/itch/stretch.....treating it with ice cube did help a lot.
Yes, me too. I am 8 weeks. I fell the same.
Yes, I went to the Dr. today and was told it's hernia. I'm 16 weeks and hope the pain doesn't get worse.
| MR - September 15 |
I am 23 weeks pregnant and noticed an intense pain around my belly b___ton area on and off for the past few days. this is what I have found. Belly b___ton pain is caused by the pressure of the expanding uterus on your belly b___ton. It is most annoying at around the 20th week of pregnancy. After that, the tenderness starts to subside.