| gem - November 27 |
i got my belly b___ton seen to at the hspital and found that i had a hernia behind it. this should go when i have had my baby. i am now 33 weeks.
yeah ive been gettin those aswell n pains in the bottem of belly
| E - December 8 |
I spoke with my dr about it and she said it is in fact a hernia. She said it's normal, nothing to worry about and is caused by the tearing of the "6 pack" muscles as your baby grows. She said it will go away once I deliver.
I'm 12 weeks and I feel this pulling/weard feeling in my navel...I get this from time to time and It drives me crazy cause I really don't know what it is....
Hernia?? That scares me. Yesterday I strained my abs to get up from the couch and felt excuriacing pain in the belly b___ton area. Had to actually lay for a while until it went away. Then got it again today, and it went away again. Would pain totally go away if that in fact is hernia? That would be terrible... I am 21 weeks.
I have always had a very sensitive belly b___ton. I cannot touch it, and if I brush up against something it feels yucky, weird pain. I used to have a belly b___ton hernia when I was younger 10 years old or so, where I would have sharp pulling pain out of nowhere from time to time. I started to work out my abs regularly and it went away permanently. But on the surface it's still sensitive. I am looking forward to being pregnant some day, but I am not looking forward to the belly b___ton pain!
I'am 32 weeks and I just noticed my belly b___ton was sencative last night. no matter what I would do it would'nt stop hurting.now its a constant pain . I've been pregnant 2 other times and never felt this type of pain before.
im 33 weeks now and ive only just started experiencing this pain. its very sensitive when i touch it and feels as though it is bruised but still a sharp pain. i cant lie on my sides and even when i sit up i feel very uncomfortable. it comes and goes at different times in the day and is not something i thought i would still feel a couple of days later. it worries me alot but im sure to your experiences of this its normal and nothing really to worry about and is just the uterus
Hi, im 33 weeks pregnant and ive just recently started experiencing this and i cant lie either of my sides and when i sit up i still feel uncomfortable. It feels as though its bruised when i press it gently. I will be seeing my midwife soon and will explain this to her. It really worries me but im sure its nothing and something really common
My doctor told me it was a hernia on the belly b___ton you may have this as well!!
I am 17 weeks along and I have had this pain for a while now. It keeps getting worse. It feels now like someone is spooning out my bellyb___ton over and over again. If this is a hernia will it bother me even after I give birth?
I am 25 weeks along and have the same thing - seems crazy but obviously it is nothing to worry about if were all experiencing the same thing.
is anyone having pain inthere chest?I'm 33weeks and for a couple of weeks now I've been having this bad pain...it's hard to explain but it gets worst when I try to sleep..I went to the emergency roomand the doc said that it might be the baby's foot....does anyone have this pain?
i have had this pain but it's gona stop...mines did...just give it a little time...
I'm in my 18th week of my first pregnancy and I experienced this belly b___ton pain in the last couple of days. I find that it happens after I've done some walking or if I've been standing for long periods of time. Laying down (or sitting down) and resting alleviates the pain.
| cas - September 19 |
I am 8 weeks and just started having the same pain yesterday (sharp pulling pain that comes and goes away). Has anyone had this pain this early in their pregnancy and how did they resolve it?