is there anything i can do for it at home my insurance is messed up and it will be one day this week poss next before i can be seen at my DR and i have a UTI i am prone to them , iknow that is what it is i have had too many to count in my life if i dont drink enough fluids or too many cokes i will get one and lately the nausea has been bad so i havent been eating or drinking much because of it and i have a UTI is there any thing i can do at home or take to help that wont hurt the baby i have some antibiotics that my reg doc gave for it and he gave a double script so i would have some on hand for the next to save me a visit and another trip to the pharmacy and more money would them be ok to take or how about the AZO tablets for the pain and urgency ........since i havent been seen by the doc the answering service says i am not technically a pt and they cant page him and my reg doc wont comment because i am pregnant he said call ur OB/GYN can u guys help it hurts so bad and bty i am drinking water and cranberry juice alot now
and bath helps with the discomfort