Lower Abdomen Pain-pg114104349318
4 Replies
This is my first pregnancy. I am 5 weeks pregnant and experiencing sharp pains in my lower left abdomen, accompanied by back pain (the same type of back pain I get just before my period). The pain usually lasts around 5-10 min and occurs about 3 times per day, it is particularly uncomfortable about 1 hour after I go to bed and the pain wakes me up. Does anybody else have this? Does anybody know what it is?
I was also getting that early on, and am now 19 weeks, but you might want to let your doctor know, but I dont think you have anything to worry about.
These are your round ligaments stretching. They expand from your abdomen to your back...occasonally during your pregnancy you will have this lower abdminal pain as your uterus grows.
Thanks for the advice. I went to visit the doctor who was concerned about a possible ectopic pregnancy - she sent me for an internal ultrasound scan. Everything was found to be normal - the obstetrician checked for ectopic pregnancy and ovarian cysts. The pain has now disapeared apart from the occasional twinge.
hey janine, u say the scan went well with ur scan did they see the whole sac with fetal pole and yolk? its just when i went for a five week scan all they could find was a sac and they still could not determine if it was in my utereus on tube yet!?!?!