I had my 36 week check up yesterday and the doctor did the va___al swab and he also checked to see if I was dilated. It hurt really bad when he checked to see if I was dilated. Anyways when I got home from the appointment I took a nap and when I woke up I had a brownish/ bloodish discharge. I also had a little brownish discharge today. I was just wondering if anyone else has experinced that.
Did he strip your membranes? That can induce labor.
| KIM - October 11 |
I am also 36 weeks, and am due to have an internal exam in a few days. From what I've heard it's normal to have blood or see brownish discharge after an exam. It doesn't mean you are going into labor...it's just that the cervix is more sensitive while being pregnant.
| amy - October 11 |
Kelsey i would say you are losing your mucus plug.when i lost mine,(and it looked like u described)i went in labor i belive within 2-3 days.good luck!!!!!!!
when they started checking me every week, they would do the swab and saw if i was dialating any, and they always told me i would probably bleed from then untill the next morning from them swabing me...that c___p hurt