Strange Feeling In Bladder When I Try To Urinate
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| ren - November 14 |
I'm having a happy and I think healthy first pregnancy, but recently(I'm 35 weeks) have been experiencing some really weird feelings in my bladder and lower abdomen. I can't even describe the feeling I get, but it's like a sharp pang that passes quickly when I sit down to pee. It's almost like a pop inside. It's soooo... weird. Also, I feel MAJOR pressure to pee, but when I sit I just get that weird pang and then maybe a trickle if I'm lucky! It's so frustrating, all night and all day! Is anyone else feeling this, and do you have any idea what it may be? I have no history of UTI, I've actually never in my life had one. I've had regular prenatal care and been deemed healthy by my doctor. I have an appointment coming up this week which I plan to mention this at, but I have no idea how to even describe it. HELP!!!