For the past 2months myb va___a has been very swollen and sore. Im due at the begining of Nov. what to do
poor girl. have you asked your doc? it could just be hormones, but it could be an infection too. sounds kinda like a yeast infection, but you need to let doc know so you don't have problems with baby. good luck!
Hi. Yes it could be a yeast infection. But is it burning when you urinate, or is it just that you are swollen and sore.? Because that could be a varicose vein on your v____a that wil cause it to swell and hurt when sitting and standing. You would really want to let your doctor know about it. I had a really bad urinary tract infection that I did not know about and it caused me to go into preterm labor. So please please please ask your doctor!
Good luck :)