Twingy Cramps In Left Ovary
3 Replies
Hi, last month I accidently missed 3 pills. Usually my periods are very heavy, very painful, and last for about 5-6 days. However, this month, it was v light, not very painful and only lasted 3 days. Over this time, I've been feeling sick (especially around food) exhausted beyond belief and have a strange mild cramping in my lower left side. I can feel it nearly all the time!
I really don't know what to think. Maybe its a urine infection as i am prone to them, but i don't have the usual burning when peeing, etc. Please help!
Have you taken a pregnancy test? Another thing to consider would be an ovarian zist, they are very painful and sometimes they need to be removed. Go see your doctor.
It is possible then that you could be pregnant...the exhaustion is what grabs me...cramping is common in early pregnancy and usually feels like what most woman get with there may want to try a hpt...or call the doc for a blood test...if its a urine infection (uti) eventually it will get worse and the pain will come...I dont want to say that it might not be a cyst because that is possible as well, but I would first check out the other two possibilities...if they are negative then ask for a could be a cyst...but it probably nothing to worry about...very few woman actually have them removed...good luck
Hi I have my left ovary and not my right will I have problems getting pregnant?