Brown Spotting-pg111202353118
206 Replies
I have the same thing. Except I am not sure I am pregnant because my test came back neg. About a week and half ago. I Have symptoms and I never got my period in July. So if I am then I would be about 6-7 weeks. I am also having brown spotting.
hi there 9 wks now and had some brown spotting this morning I have been worried all day and run to the loo every 5 minutes. My legs are cramping and feel like there is a trapped nerve, anyone out there who can help
I would not worry about the brown spotting, if it makes you feel better, call your DR and have them check you but I have experienced both brown spotting, a period and a waterfall of blood during my 9 weeks of pregnancy and after calls and an ER visit, baby is fine. They seem to think I have low lying placenta and a blood vessel burst.
I ended up misscarrying, at my ultrasound there was no fetal pole, and i los tthe baby two wks later, I got the go ahead to try again the beginning of July, and am now going on my 9th week.. and this time around, no discharge or spotting
well im pregnant and i have notice brown spotting too some people say it could be bad and im scared so i still need to check with the doctor.
Felt like I was the only one in the world spotting out there. Im 7 weeks and 2 days ago, noticed some light brown spotting and mild cramping. Went to specialist and told me that this is common in some people between 6 to 10 weeks. Said just to relax (bed rest) and will go for a ultra-sound in 4 days.
I had the same thing between weeks 9 and 10. Now almost 17 weeks, and all signs point to a healthy normal pregnancy.
I know this is a very old post, but it was a very informative one. Thank you!
i ws 6weeks 4days wen i cam to knw tat hr is 105doc said itz very weak, n from past 1week m havin brown spotting n cramps also,bt very mild, doc said to tak complete bedrest, now 2mrw m havin u/s let see wat happns, i did hav red spottin bt only one day... m also worrid abt m/c, bt m stil feel im pregnant,coz m stil feelin hungry, frequent urination, mild sore nipples n vomiting sensation...doc has also gvn me injction to supprt d fetus, coz its weak n it cnt supprt itself, nyws m jus stressd hop all goz welll...
I'm about 4 weeks pregnant and have had brown discharge and cramping for 4 days now. Early pregnancy clinic wont see me for 10 days. Clearblue digital pregnacny test is telling me I am 3+ weeks pregnant. I'm so worried I might be having a miscarriage
Hi Lily - oh my! I hope you are not - if it's brown blood that's usually a good sign, it means it's old! Can you go to see your family doctor or go to an ER if you are concerned? I hope all is okay!!