Brown Spotting-pg111202353118

206 Replies
alisa - April 6

i've been having the same problem since i was 5 weeks and today at 12 weeks nothing has changed. the upside of it though, i've done two v____al ultrasounds and the baby is just fine , but like most of you , you still have concerns. Lets keep the faith girls....we're gonna be mommies!!!!


Mythili - April 6

Alisa, thanks for that info. I will be going in for an ultrasound later today. will let you guys know tomorrow how it goes.


Stephanie - April 6

Hello again thought I'd just drop by and give words of comfort since my last dramatic posts!! I'm not spotting anymore but still have the heavy menstral cramps feeling......And we are 13 weeks today so we hit the 2nd trimester........ finally. YEAH!!!! I hope this helps and I'll try to post later after the cramping goes away to let you all know how long it may last even though I know everyojne is different!


Seth - April 7

Man-o-Man - if it wasn't for coming across this forum I might have pa__sed out. We just found out my wife is 6 weeks pregnant entering week 7. She had some brown spotting yesterday afternoon. She just told me - hence my frantic race to google "Brown Spotting Pregnancy". I feel much more at ease after her phone call to the Doc - where the doc said to monitor it, and that anymore spotting or consistent spotting might require seeing a doctor. My wife is on travel away from home, so this doesn't help. The doctor said some spotting is normal -so I feel much better. I have also taken some comfort in what will happen will happen regardless of how we feel and think. From a man's perspective - we all need to just relax, eat, drink, pray and be happy - and things will work themselves out. It's amazing what we can do when we are forced to do $.02


Mythili - April 7

Good to hear that Stephanie. I went in for my first ultrasound yesterday @ 8 weeks 4 days. Baby is fine and we saw the heart beat.


JJ - April 7

I have been having brown spotting all day today at 5.5 weeks - all your answers have been extremely rea__suring and calming. Good luck to everyone with their pregnancies.


EM - April 7

I am 12 weeks pregnant today and just after I had my lunch, I felt something kinda wet on my underwear & a little burning on my v____a. When I looked on it, there were some brown stain on my underwear. So I called the doctor right away and now she scheduled me for an u/s. Normally I had white discharge but this one is brown so Im a little bit worried about this. Hope the baby's ok.


Steph - April 8

EM did you have the u/s?? How do you feel??


Lisa - April 10

I just came across this posting and am hoping that I am as lucky/blessed as all of you seem to have been. I am 6 weeks pregnant with twins and have been spotting brown for the last two days so of course I am convinced of the worst. I also seem to have lost some of the really bad b___st tenderness and even some of the nausea has subsided. (Two previous miscarriages weighing on my mind are NOT helping things). I have an u/s sound scheduled for tomorrow morning at 9:45 and am praying that these babies who are already so loved are ok. I think I've pretty much convinced my poor husband to expect a bad outcome so any good news would be welcome with open arms!


brid - April 11

I Had the same spotting @6 weeks.It lasted only a few hours went for us that day and all was fine. I'm now 7 weeks .But It was very scary as this is my first pregnancy.


annette - April 12

lisa- do tell me what your diagnosis was as I am having exactly the same thing- 2 m/c previously, spotting for 1 and a half weeks already but stopped today. But nausea and sickness is gone, and b___st tenderness has subsided. I am hoping it's nothing...


Pamela - April 12

Lisa, I am new to this but I to have felt great until today. I am 7 weeks 1 day. But today I started cramping and spotting. Doctor said it is probably the embryo trying to implant and not to worry. Yeh right. Please let us know how your appointment went. Doctors just don't understand the fear that we feel knowing we are helpless to help our baby(ies). My ultrasound is 4/18 and I am counting down the days.


Kristi - April 13

I am 8 weeks and started having some brown spotting last night. It seems to have went away this morning. I have not had any cramping at all, just nauseated as usual. I have already had one ultrasound and we got a good strong heartbeat. Hopefully it is nothing but I am gonig to check with my dr. just in case.


pap - April 20

do u guys have brown spotting towards the end of preg.I am right now in 40th week.I am experiencing it.You guys have any clue?


Stephanie - April 20

Okay I am back as promised to let you know that so far so good. We are 15 weeks preggers today and the cramping is minimal now! Not like it was at all! You know what I was thinking......... when I bled I think it was the implantation bleeding which is nothing to worry about. How is everyone doing??


S - April 20

I am approx 6 weeks also and had a slight brown staining today in underwear when I went to bathroom. THANK YOU for these posts...I am hoping it is nothing but I will keep you all posted. i haven't called the doctor yet but plan too if it happens again. I have no cramping, just the usual backaches...I was having sore b___sts but now I am wondering if it went away. Does anyone else think that the soreb___st thing goes and comes? Am I the only one who is having that symptom?



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