I am 12 days past my expected period date. I took at test the day before my expected period, negative, and then 6 days after my expected period, negative. I have not tested again yet after than. Last night out of no where I had diahrrea. One of my friends said she had that around the time she found out she was pregnant.. does anyone have an idea or whats going on or a suggestion on something to do?
Oh and I havent ate anything that would of caused diahrrea, just be doing the normal stuff i do
Pregnancy hormones cause changes in gut function. Heartburn would be another possibility. If you have other sigsn like fatigue, peeing more often, lotion discharge, b___b or nip changes, backache, lightheaeded moments, emotions out of whack, then another home preg test a week after the last would be in order. GL!