I am really confused, last month I was late on my usual 28 day cycle so I took a test, it was negative the next morning still no signs so I took another test - positive. Excitedly I went out and bought a digital - negative and from then all tests I did were negative. 5 days later AF made an appearance 14/08/14.
This cycle we 'did the deed' 24+25/08/14
My 'period' started on 10/09/14 then suddenly ended 2 1/2 days later on 13/09/14 it was same as usual accept cramping was minimal
I had literally nothing for 2 days after that then I started 'spotting' pink and brown mucus (sorry if tmi) 15/09/14 which still hasn't stopped. It's only when I wipe and occasionally on the liner.
I have taken multiple tests all but 1 were negative including a test I took today. Has anyone ever has this or anything like this? If so what was the outcome? I have done research and cervical cancer keeps popping up. This scares me a lot as I only had an operation for precancerous cells 6 months ago (LLETZ).
Any advice or input would be greatly appreciated. This is my first time posting so hopefully I've done it in the right place
You don't list any other early pregnancy signs so its difficult to encourage that notion. In view of your operation it would be a really good idea to call that doc and tell your symptoms. I'm guessing you are due a check-up visit about now.
Go to your GP Hun... They will do a blood test and u will know for sure best of luck :)
Thankyou for your replies, I still have ewcm but it's clear now, the only sympotoms I have really are random spots of nausea (mainly at night) regular headaches, mild cramping on my right side, veiny b___bs (not sore though) stronger sense of smell and taste. I also feel a bit light headed and really tired. With my previous pregnancies I always got a positive test before my missed period so this is why I'm so confused. I know each pregnancy is different but I would have thought of I was pregnant I would have had a positive test by now. I will see my gp Monday and let you know what she says. Thank you again x
Good luck with the GP. Your early signs are encouraging so a blood test is a great idea. Sometimes a pregnancy does not give a positive test until a couple of weeks or more after the period was due.