5 Weeks 4 Days And So Many Concerns Already
1 Replies
Hi I am new to the forum. I am 31 years old and have one child. My son will be 14 in April. Needless to say its been a while since my preganancy with him and I am not a teenager anymore so this pregancy seems really different!! At first I had period like cramps around the time I was supposed to start but I read this is normal. They come and go mildly now but I have had no spotting or bleeding. I was having pretty severe pain in my right ovary area enough to drive me to the doc last week. They did an ultrasound at 4 weeks 3 days and confirmed that there was nothing in the tubes and that there was a gestational sac and a yolk sac starting to form in the uterus. I am set to come back next week at 6 weeks 4 days to look for baby and see the heart beat. They explained my pain as probably being the corpeus luteum cyst and I have read that to but most women dont describe the pain as being as bad as I have it. I am just terrified this is a sign of miscarriage and that I wont see a heart beat next week! Has anyone else had pain in this area????
I wish someone who has had this would answer.