I have a couple of questions I was hoping you could help answer. Is there any vitamins out there that can help regulate my period? I stopped taking birth control pills in February after the last pill. I had my withdrawal period and then my next period came 40 days later. Now its going on 41 days and nothing. I have had cramping for two weeks straight and diarrhea, but no period and negative pregnancy test. I just wish I could get them to shorten up a bit and be normal. Is okay to take prenatals vitamins and a super B complex vitamine together? Any suggestions would be helpful!!! Thank you so much!!!
If you think you are pregnant you should run a weekly pregnancy test using first morning pee - Dollar Store cheapies are fine. Temperature charting will give you a better idea of what is happening with your cycle - fertilityfriend.com would help with that. Folic acid (Vitamin B9) is the important const_tuent of prenatal vitamins, but it is added to many cereals and breads, so you may be getting enough already. Read Wikipedia on B Vitamins before using. GL!
Well I doubt that I am pregnant since I have already taken two pregnacy test and they were both negative. How long does it take to get a positive result? Since I am already two days late I thought it would show up by now. I am currently taking a prenatal vitamine and takig extra folic acid, but I heard that B vitamins would help reuglate me periods so that I would have a better chance of getting pregnant. My last period was March 26th. Is this normal?