Hi everyone, I am an expecting dad. My wife and I had a miscarriage the day after thanksgiving 11/27, she was only 4 or 5 weeks along. We got a sono at the ER and they said that nothing was in the uterus and that she indeed did have a miscarrage. Her HCG levels were only double digits. Well her menstrual cycle never came back and we were worried so a few days ago I convinced her to take a pregnancy test. It tested positive! We were very excited and scared that being so close to the last pregnancy that this will end in the same result so the next day (which was Jan 7th) she went and had a blood test done. Her blood showed her HCG level at 30900! We have another blood test scheduled for thursday but in the mean time we have so many questions that the Dr.s office wouldn't answer. Mainly, isn't that number a little high?! Researching on line shows some possibilities, multiple births (her brothers are twins) or molar pregnancy, which is horrifying. Has anybody out there experienced such high levels this early? If the miscarrage was less than six weeks ago we can't possibly be very far along yet we are showing numbers for 5 or 6 weeks along. I guess we are just looking for some peace of mind since we have to wait another week for the next blood test. Thank you for reading!
Is it possible the Thanksgiving ultrasound was wrong? How convincing was that miscarriage? Has she been having early pregnancy signs right along - tired, nauseous etc? hCG levels do vary enormously from one pregnancy to another, but ]30,000 is awful high for a pregnancy that began only a month ago. GL!
I said to my wife when we found out what her hCG lvls were "what if you didn't miscarriage?" but she went in for blood work a couple days after the "miscarriage" and her HCG was down to 6. Sorry I left that out of my original post. As for early pregnancy signs, she didn't have them the first time we found out she was pregnant, but the day after she found out she was pregnant this time she started having those symptoms.
Thank you for the reply Grandpa Viv
The first trimester ultrasound will date the pregnancy to within a few days, and also sort out concerns about twins. Yes, according to the link I use, 30,000 is considered a max value between 5 and six weeks, but in some pregnancies is not achieved until 12 weeks, if ever!
Well we couldn't wait till Thursday for the blood test so we scheduled one for today. Her lvl today was around 60,000. We have a ultrasound scheduled for next week.