If me and my partner had sex on the 25 of October 2015 is it possible forour childs due date be 05 August 2016
That due date corresponds with ovulation Nov 12th and sex Nov 7th - 13th. If you got pregnant from Oct 25th sex the due date is July 17th - 23rd. A second trimester ultrasound can be off by a couple of weeks. The fetus is on the small side.
What do you mean by the second trimester ultrasound can be off by a couple of weeks
Theoretical due dates are calculated 1) 40 weeks from start of last period or 2) size of fetus in an ultrasound. The further along a pregnancy goes the less accurate the ultrasound as all fetueses are not born the same size. That 40 week figure is also an average and can vary by a week or more either way. Your baby will arrive when it is ready.