Does A Hurricane Bring On Delivery

24 Replies
Katrina - September 8

Ok, I survived Charlie and Frances and did not go into labor. I am 40 weeks tomorrow and we have Ivan possibly knocking at our door. Unbelievable!!!! I have a doctors appointment tomorrow. Think I'm going to beg them to induce me so I can get the heck out of dodge if Ivan decides to make his way thru here! Not only that...I really don't want to deliver my baby in a bathroom! (Don't blame ya there Kristin). After all the responses that I have read here I'm now convinced there is a link between barometric pressure and babies being born! Kristen, take it easy girl....I would have to say that if you have been contracting like you say and Ivan decides to visit us....go and stay at the hospital!!! My husband was not pleased with me that I decided to stay home! Luckily we didn't get hit as bad as we did with Charlie :) Thank you everyone for your input! It's nice to have others put their input in and know that your not the only one sitting in Florida prego! heehee


kellie - September 9

Good luck Katrina I hope you the best keep us informed.I as well made it threw Hurricane Frances this past weekend with only light to moderate contractions ( I have a very High pain tollerence) I worked threw most of it monday after the strom's worest pa__sed us on. I am not looking forward to Ivan I dont think that i can stand another hurricane...I dont think florida can stand another one.....We are alll mentally and Physically done. I know that there is a deff and corrolation between deliveries and barometric pressures dropping I am a hurricane baby as well but i am gald that i asked this question when charile was knocking on Heavens door (Florida) Guess these things think Florida is hurricane heaven.....I hope all of you the best with your Preg expecially if you are in florida staring at another lovley hurricane and are preg. I am currently 32 weeks doc says i am loosing measurements (baby measuring small) and i am measuring 30 but that is because i am so sick...Now it is effecting baby....Never had that happen before and i am on baby #4 OH well I will do what i have to do to keep this baby in as long as i can and i dont want to have to deliver in the bathroom either I usually have my bath tub filled with water for hurricanes. just incase we loose water i still have something to flush with and feed the animals with. Well enought Jabbering GOod luck to everyone and take care


Schweber - September 9

I"m 36 weeks prego and a bit nervous about my husband delivering our little girl in the bathroom as well. But, the way I look at it now is "They did it on LIttle House on the Prarie" - so I'm sure he can deliver her too!


Tashia - September 9

Well i am 38 weeks prego and dilated 1 or 2 centimeters already and contracted and had a little bloody show during Francis and now i contract non stop but not anything regular you know but i am totally scared this is my 3rd child and i am totally scared and have no idea what to do i am afraid i wont get to the hospital.


jenna - September 10

myth or not, I went to the hospital to find out for myself. With Ivan on his way and me being 35 1/2 weeks, I'm a little worried. The nurses at the hospital said even with a healthy and problem-free pregnancy, they want pregos to hang out at the hospital, just in case.


Nicole - September 10

I also live in Tampa Bay (Hillsborough County) and was told by 2 different nurses as well that there IS a correlation between barometric pressure and onset of labor. However, I called my doctor today and they denied the whole thing. I also asked if I should "camp out" at the hospital since I am 34 weeks pregnant with twins, which puts me into a high risk category. On top of that, I have been on strict bedrest due to contractions since 20 weeks and one baby is in breech position, which puts me in an even higher risk category. My doctor said the hospital would not allow me to stay there due to legal reasons as well as security reasons. What the heck is that all about??? What are we supposed to do here? I'm not allowed to travel at all (my parents live in Atlanta and we were just gonna go up there.) So basically I'm just a prisoner in my own home. I can't take this again ... first the stress from Charlie, then Francis, now Ivan. Maybe Melissa is right, maybe it's not the actual hurricane itself, but the stress that goes along with it... Good luck to you all - you will be in my prayers this weekend!! :)


kellie - September 11

Nicole i am sorry to hear that your doc will not work with you maybe you should ask this way ask him if he could check you into the hospital around the time of the hurricane for observation because you are concerned that since you have been contracting since 20 weeks with twins that you are going to go into full b__wn labor and not get to the hospital in time. Or if you dont want to do that right before the strom hits GO to the hospital and tell them you are contracting....They cant refuse to put you on the monitor and observe you for a hour....If the storm is bad then they cant let you leave either. You have to play their game sometimes and it is rough..I am 32 weeeks almost 33 and i have had a hard time but i am living threw these hurricanes one by one I just hope that this one does not do the trick you know they always say third time is a charm. I just went threw all the playing the doctors game with a friend of mine. she started contracting at 20 weeks and with a heart condition on top of it.. so she was high risk and everyway she turned she would get knocked down by a doc weather her own or high risk. but she has a beautiful baby boy now and is doing well i just hope that i can keep this one in long enought and i hope that you are safe threw Ivan Good luck to all that have had to deal with the stress of these hurricanes


lonna - September 22

i have hurd that stormy weather and full moons are when most women go into labor.


RuthMarsh - March 17

Interesting ladies as I also went into labour 5 weeks early with DS. He was born during Cyclone Yasi in Townsville, Australia. The Ob. did mention low barometric pressure as a possible trigger.



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