How Long To Get Pregnant After Depo
240 Replies
I have been on depo for amost 4 1/2 yrs. Now that I am married, I really want a baby. My husband said to wait until we are more stable. We recently agreed that I will not get my shot when I am due in August 05. However, I have heard so many stories about not being able to conceive after depo. From what I see, the longer you take it, the longer it takes to become pregnant. This motherly urge of mine becomes stronger by the day and I a becoming depressed over this. Is there any way to shorten the wait after this poison leaves my body????
From what I know taking the pre natel vitamins every day and taking care of yourself (diet) and exersize and also go to the obgyn and see if they will give you the fertility pill. Ths is what I am doing and really it is the only thing you can do and pray for a baby.
respond to chelsea :
I'm sorry to hear that you can't have a baby,i would make appt with your doctor,it might take some time,but hang in there!! GOD knows best!! .And about being stable,everybody tells me your never going to be stable,even with a baby,but everything works out!!
Good luck !!
I was on the depo for 2 years and it took my body 2 years to have a healthy pregnancy...
i was on depo for 2 yrs. my last shot was in july 2000. i got pregnant in sept 2000.
I was on depo for 5 years my last shot was oct 26 went back jan 2 to get another 1 my doc told me to switch to the patch and i got pregnant on feb 16 because i kept forgetting to put a patch on.
I am Pregnant !!!!!! I found out July 3rd and today I found out I am 7 weeks !!! I am so excited.
i have a 2 month baby and at my six week check up i got on depo well the doctor told me to use protection for 2 weeks after the shot to prevent pregnancy and i didnt. how do i know if my depo is working besides taking a test.
my doctor said it would take 10 to 12 months and he was right i got pregnant around the 13th month
I talked to my doctor about how long it takes to get pregnant and she said it should only be 1 month. I took the depo shot for 10 years and now I am trying to get pregnant. I have been off of it for 3 weeks after the day it was due.
Im Not Sure But I Wnat to know The Same Answer!
My dr said 6 to 18 months after the dypo
How long did it take you?
6 months to get pregnant, 4 months to get my period back.