| E - December 10 |
That is wonderful news Michelle!!!!!!! You must be thrilled:)
| Isa - January 12 |
I think super faint lines means your preggo. My first I got the faintest line after 2 hours that I thought it was my mind playing tricks. I went to the Dr. and got a negative blood and urine but I felt pregnant! Then a week later I took antoher home test and positive and another visit to Dr and certainly positive. Today I got jsut as faint a line that I'm not sure if it is my imagination after about 30 minutes. I think that evaporation lines do not exist it jsut takes longer for the test to read the hormone if you don't have a lot in your urine yet. So have faith in the faint line and if you go too early to Dr. you can still get a negative if YOU ARE preggo so jsut wait after you were supposed to get your period to be sure.
| lea - January 21 |
hi everyone I recently did 3 pregnancy tests it said on the packet I should receive a clear result in a couple of minutes 5 at the most; but just after the 5 minutes a received a second pink line it continued to get darker . I than did a second just to be sure the next morning ,( as I have seen a evaporation line before when I wasnt pregnant ) this test was negative after 5 minutes walked back in the bathroom 40 minutes later and 2 lines were visible 3 rd test lines appeared at 5 minute( I used a different brand) Have noticed line continue to get darker as time goes on Surely I am pregnant period is due 5 days
I took a pregnancy test last night and it showed a very light posative. I don't really know if I am pregnant or not.
First, I have to say that I'm glad to know that 1) I'm not the only one digging preg tests out of the garbage and 2) cracking them open.
I have researched (extensively) and have read that if there is any color it is most likely positive, whenever it shows. Also, that it is the composition of the urine that causes evap lines. I had a miscarriage recently and thought my hcg was 0. I was showing very late pos on even the cheap tests. Later found out my hcg was still about 25. Month later I'm showing faint lines on two tests just past ten min. We'll see. Also they say that 50% plus pregs end in miscarriage, most obviously very early. I think alot of you are detecting very early and then losing them. Sorry girls. It only makes sense. That happened to me about 6 months ago. But I can't stop taking the d__n things early. My wise sister says no matter what the test says, you are either going to have a baby in nine months or not.
I bought a dollar tree pregnancy test when I was pregnant and it did the same thing to me, I took the test and after a couple of minutes there was no line then I looked at it later and there was a faint line, I was pregnant. After that I waited about a week and took anouther test and the line showed up right away. The same thing happened to me with a cheap test adn I was pregnant so I think you could be pregnant.
i took a first response test and after about an hour i got a faint pink line. i even had my coworkers look at it to make sure i was not crazy! then, a couple hours later, i took another one and it was negative...am i pregnant or not? should i wait to go to the doctor or can i go get an ACCURATE blood test today?
I took one of those test after I found out I was pregnant just to see if they really worked and I bought two, took them both and both said I was pregnant.
i went and had a blood test done today and it came back "borderline"-they told me that they cant tell me that it is positive but, it is not negative. i go back thursday morning to test again...wish me luck!
went back for second blood test...negative! so sad...
I got one of these lines as well...went for blood tests....it was negative :(
My friend got a dollar store test and ended up pregnant with a positive result. So act as if you are and schedule an appt
help someone...I bought some hpt from ebay called acur. I did one today and it showed a very very faint line about 15 mins after I performed test. Now I am worried that its a false result as I retested a few hours later using the same brand and it was totally neg. Does anyone know of this brand as I have done a web search and I am not finding much out at all. I could be preg as I has Implanon removed on 14 th June..any help gladly received. Thanks all for reading this & hopefully helping me out a bit.
Gemma, there's a site called peeonastick.com that has info about all sorts of pregnancy tests.
Many thanks Jbear, I will check it out now!
I would retest but my line was pretty faint and I was pregnant...but it wsa the store brand one not a dollar store one and not an expensive one, either