Normal Hcg Levels Pg1267223098
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| new to this board..this is my 4th pregnancy and one would think that by your 4th anxiousness wouldnt be part of the equation but it is :-)
i have had 3 different panels of blood work done for hcg beta levels.
on 2/10 it was 714
2/18 it was 8645
and on 2/25 it was 31,283
my ob is a little concerned(he is a high risk doc and a little on the conservative side) that my numbers arent as high as he like to see them. he said he would like to see them at around 90,000 and that my levels are doubling close to every 4 days. and of course i have to wait 6 days to go get an ultrasound to see if there is or isnt a heartbeat. can anyone relate? has anyone had numbers like this and go on to have a healthy pregnancy??