Possible Pregnancy After Tubal Ligation

169 Replies
Rachel - September 26

Well, I have some good news.. I got a preg. test today and took it and it was Neg. I have another that I might retake in a few day because, I still have not had my peirod this month but, as far as it looks I am not preg. And to tell you the truth I am glad. I just lost my job a few weeks ago and this is really not the best time. But, good luck to you all.


Heather - September 26

beatrice, I Have had 4 misscariages, 1 tubal, and 2 live births, the last being Feb. 3rd, 05. I lost him due to medical problems. I really want to have another baby. What are my odds of having another baby if my tubes were cut and burned? Thanks for answering me the first time.


jennifer paulhamus - September 27

hello I was wondering if after having a tubal ligation could you have an eptopic pregnacy becaues I have had my tubes tied and then yesturday had real bad cramping and felt dizzy and a little faint and even like i might throw up and then today I woke up and had very heavey bleeding not normal for me so what is the chance of a miscarage


K. - September 28

I wish I had an answer..I do know that someone got pregnant while tubes were tired and the child is perfectly fine...I have the same question, could I be pregnant... my periods are usually 21-24 days now am I only on the 28th day but for the last two weeks have had the signs that it was bout to start but hadn't but also things that use to taste good don't, gained about 10 pounds in a month, always wanting to snack, sleepy, tired, tender b___st, lower back pain, all I smell is stuff that does not smell good but thank God I can smell...has anyone had anything similiar......


Shae - September 28

Got my period today. I'm a little disappointed because I was hoping that I was pregnant, but I won't give up. I feel that God will bless me with another child when he feels that I am ready for another one. Ladies, please don't lose hope.


chelsey - September 28

www.tubal-reversal.net ...ladies you may find this site helpfull!


beatrice - September 28

to heather,my ob said that the odds of getting pregnant after a tubal is 5 in 1000,basically 2 in 100


beatrice - September 28

to jennifer,there is a chance for either an ectopic or full term pregnancy after a tubal.if u r cramping and dizzy maybe u should call the doctor.how long has it been since u had a tubal done?if u had it recently then the cramps maybe ur tubes healing.


Holly - September 28

To Cynthia.... Just curious, why did your Doctor say you were a prime candidate to become pregnant again? I've been experiencing symptoms of pregnancies but keep thinking that it could never happen since I had a tubal. Thanks for answering! "To Vikki.... If you are pregnant and don't want to be, I am sorry to hear it.... however... no, you cannot sue your doctor.... In all that paperwork, one of the things it says is that there is still a possibility.Mine even went ahead and told me I was a prime candidate to get pregnant again...."


Holly - September 28

OMG, I copied and pasted the WRONG quote, I am SO sorry! I was trying to copy something Cynthia said. SORRY!!!


Amanda - September 30

Hi ladies... HOPEFUL IN TEXAS HERE.. I like the rest of us.. am wondering what is up with my body here lately.. Last period i had was at the first of august... missed ALL of Sept. Took a HPT today.. said no baby.. I cant help but pray to God for a mirical... I let my Dr. and mom talk me into a BAD BAD BAD decision 2 julys ago when I had my son (2nd baby) We were broke and I was on foodstamps and medicaid. I guess i tried to do the "responsible" thing.. and in the end hurt my husband, and myself.. pray for me ladies.. i will for you too! hugs to all.. and congrats to you too.. I cant tell you how unbelievable happy to feel little feet kicking me at 4 am again LOL Thanks!


beatrice - September 30

to amanda,u call getting a tubal done a bad bad decisions.y do u feel that way?


Amanda - September 30

beatrice... thank for the reply.. I do think that it was a bad decision for me. At the time, I was in a divorce.. on state a__sistance, and pregnant with a baby from a man i wasnt married to. I only dated him... but NO birth control seems to work for me.. my 1st with ortho, my 2nd Depo, (maybe a third... crossed fingers) but i made the decision at 22... because i wanted to please my mom and the Dr made me feel like it was my ONLY choice. Npw I feel differently.. i want another baby.. so does my husband. We will never come up with the reversal money.. everytime we discuss it..something happens and we need something.. LoL I know its the right choice for most women.. but it wasnt for me, and i KNEW it from the moment i signed the papers.


beatrice - October 1

to amanda,u know u still can get pregnant after a tubal?its in the paperwork


Amanda - October 1

I hope i am LOL


beatrice - October 1

to amanda,i think that all people have the right to be a parent whether they had the tubal or not



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