Smoking Drinking And Drugs During Pregnancy
2 Replies
I am 18 years old and recently found out I'm pregnant.. The doctor said I’m about 6 weeks now. In the past few months I have been smoking cigarettes, drinking & snorting cocaine, not knowing I was pregnant. My boyfriend knows I have done these things and is completely against it.. And now thinks that our child will have a disability if I deicide to keep it. I’m afraid to tell my parents because they judge me constantly and I can’t take them blaming me if it comes out unhealthy that’s why I feel like I can’t turn to them with this decision. The question I have is do you think it’s for the best to have an abortion?
Im not really sure if your going to listen to me but I just wanted to give my thoughts. Im sure you already kno that its not right to vb do drugs pregnant or not. But im not your mom or anything. And smokin while pregnant is never good. But im 29 weeks and I still smoke cigarettes. My best advice is stop all that you can as soon as you can. Drinking and the cocaine can really hurt the baby and even cause miscarriage. It is up to you and your man if you want to keep the baby or not. Only you two. But when it really comes down to it. Its your decision. I hope I helped