Hubby Thinks I Don T Find Him Physically Attractive

2 Replies
:( - April 14

I'm nearly 6 months pregnant with our first child; during the first month after we found out, I had zero interest in s_x - and that's how many times we had s_x. For a few months after that, I had an insatiable s_x drive. Now, my s_x drive is normal, but s_x itself is very uncomfortable, even painful. I think he hits my cervix; if that doesn't happen, the baby invariably starts to kick while we're in the act, which is a total mood killer for me. I am still very much in love with my husband, and think he's one of the s_xiest men alive - I just have a hard time staying interested in s_x at this point. How can I convince him that I am still attracted to him, and my lack of interest in s_x does NOT mean I'm not interested in him?


Ian - April 14

Have you tried "telling" him? I hate to sound mean, but your reason is so painfully obvious, that anyone with half a brain should understand. How hard is it to explain that s_x is uncomfortable for you and risky at this stage? Is he 3 years old? will he throw a tantrum. Unless he suffers from severe immaturity, selfishness, or insecurity - i'm pretty sure he will understand.


:( - April 18

I have told him - but he does kind've have reason to be a bit insecure; we had separated for a few months last year; we reconciled shortly before we found out I was pregnant. I think he's partially afraid that this is not his child (it is), and is more afraid that I reconciled with him only because I was pregnant. (He knew well before I did - I refused to believe it.)



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