Things Have Changed

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KristiK221 - February 11

My fiance and I found out we were having a baby 2 weeks ago and at first he was super excited about it. He's 28 and I'm 27 and we've been togther for about 7 years. He was very understanding about my pregnancy and was very helpful. Now, he has completely changed. Within the last few days he just seems like he doesn't care anymore. Her wants to go out all night and party with his friends and I feel like me and the baby aren't a priority. It seems like the whole pregnancy thing is a burden and an annoyance to him. I have my first doctor's appointment tomorrow and he's not even going. We have been fighting non-stop for the last few days and he is just being downright mean. I know all this fighting and stress isn't good for me and the baby. Has anyone else went through this? I don't understand how he went from being excited to being so awful. Any suggestions on what to do? Should I just give him some time and space?



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