Why be negative? This is not for stupid cat fights. Grow up "to jaime". no one finds humor in uneducated kids!!!!! Yikes.
why are you going under this name and not E? just wondering.
| J - September 2 |
Yea, so kids need germs? Maybe older kids need them but not babies. Babies start getting a better immune system after they turn one. I think it's gross seeing little TINY babies with colds and snot dripping from their nose. My mom kept everything clean around me when I was younger, I've gotten colds over the years but I was NEVER a sickly child. I have probably had the flu three times in my life and the only time I needed to be hospitalized was giving birth to my son. Everyone has their opinion on germs, I definitely would make your friends' children wash their hands then spray the toys they touch with lysol disinfectant or something. Maybe explain to your friend that your child's doctor said you needed them to wash their hands etc. around your baby. I made sure people washed their hands around my son since he was born premature and his lungs are still a bit iffy. Good luck with everything, I can totally relate to you!!!!
Just to add to that... I make everyone who walks in my door wash their hands before they touch my baby! I really don't care if its a___l. I made it a rule in my house so nobody gets offended... people just think I'm too much! But really, you never know where peoples hands of been, just the thought of it makes me sick.
I'm the same way, Ashley - whenever anyone looks like they might touch my baby, I hand them a bottle of hand sanitizer.