Not Moving Around Please Help
2 Replies
My 9 month old doesn't even attempt to crawl or even scoot around on her butt or anything!! I see other 8 and 9 month od crawling around like champs! I'm soo worries , please tell me our experiences!
I wouldn't worry, at 9 months my baby wasn't crawling but at about 10 months or so sh learned to pull herself up by holding something, then he would just hold on to it and scream until I would come get her, and now she is walking around ( when I hold her hands) and almsot by herself, so she kind of skipped crawling if that sounds reasonable? I'm sure your baby will be moving around soon enough ;-)
Same thing - my niece kinda by pa__sed crawling and started walking instead - probably earlier than other little ones - so yours is probably just advanced! ;)