| * - December 2 |
My baby is 1 month old and I read that br___tfed babies of 1 month might go whole days without pooping...and I think at like 2 weeks they were suppossed to be pooping like 2 times a day or something. Well, My daughter seems to still poop with almost every feeding...but the poop looks like it's suppossed to and she seems to be growing, so should I be worried? Has anyone elses baby pooped this much?
I wouldn't worry too much about it, as long as it's not watery. Pretty soon her digestive system will mature a bit, and she'll go longer without pooping. (and then you'll probably worry that she's not pooping enough...most of us moms worry about one or the other).
my baby is 5 1/2 weeks old and poops almost every feeding. only now every once in a while does she not, and then i'm somewhat shocked lol
| sam - December 2 |
my son did the poop thing every diaper change until he was about 6 or 7 weeks old. he was b___stfed.
| * - December 2 |
Thanks everyone! Makes me feel alot better!! :)
They are supposed to poop lots of yellow runny stuff being b___stfed, you only need worry if they are not pooing much or its green as they arent being fed enough, lots of poo means they are getting pleanty of milk
If it looks like yellow mustard, you're doing good...lol...should also have little chunks that kinda look like tapioca, or maybe sesame seeds.
Yep that's normal. Emma was filling her diapers full almost every hour it seemed and then one day she went almost a whole day without and I was sort of worried till I read it's totally normal. I'm not missing those leaky diaper days!!!