On The Past Topic Of Leashes No Leashes
6 Replies
| H - December 11 |
Some mothers dislike leahses but isn't a good idea to have it sometimes for safety reasons?
| H - December 11 |
Recently I went to the mall and a family with two children and a grandmother had lost one of their kids(approx 5 yrs). My husband and I along with a crowd of people waited to see if the security guards would find the child. After a half hour of waiting with the family, still nothing, and the grandmother then went to all the stores screaming the child's name. At that point I couldn't stand anymore to see the pain and the prayers of the family I had to leave the mall. I hope they found the child. I think during busy times like this holiday it would be good idea to have a leash especially if your child tends to be restless and wonders. Some chiildren don't even like the strollers. It takes only a split second in a crowded mall for child to be taken as you briefly look at something.
I like them. They are useful when you're in a crowded place and have a stroller with a younger child to push too. I think with as hectic as everything is today, we parents NEED all the conviences we can get. If you are out in the yard, no real reason to use them. But when you are trying to do 10 things at once in public with like 3 or 4 different kids, I say YES it's fine to use them.
I totally agree that they are very useful if your child has a tendency to run off or there is a safety issue. I don't think I would care how it 'looks', as long as I knew my child was safe and with me at all times during an outing.
I mentioned before that my mom used a lease with me b/c I liked hiding under the clothes racks and would scare the heck out of her. It most certainly did not have an ill effects on me. I don't think it is a big deal.
i have to admit that i used to hate them, and would wonder why women would treat their children like a dog, but then my baby became a toddler and i thought they were the greatest invention. Dont worry what other people think, theyre not the ones trying to look after your child
If I wasn't bothered by the odd looks and snickering of strangers, I would absolutely use one with my 2 yr old son. Instead, I choose not to take him with me anywhere that doesn't have shopping carts with seatbelts. :o)