I'm 5cm dilated and 80% effaced at 40.5 weeks. I had my membranes striped last week, but nothing happened. I'm having lots of Braxton-Hicks contractions, but no pain. Three weeks ago I was 2 cm/80%. What can I do do get that baby going? Will I have any "warnings" that real labor is coming? It's my first baby.
how can i get myself to dilate?
Yea u can drink castor oil and u will get very strong contractions and still possibly not have your baby. and its disgusting...i've done tried it...but on the other hand...it may work. good luck.
At 5cms and 80% effaced, I seriously doubt you'll have to wait more than a few days, or even hours for true labor. Good luck!
Sweetnurse...how much longer do u think i have if yesterday was my due date and i'm 2 1/2 centimeters dialated and very thin cervix and baby's head very low into the pelvis..and doctor said i would prolly be delivering sometime this week...?? i'm really ready to have him!!
Honestly, expecting, some people can stay at 2-3cms for weeks, while others deliver within hours. I have been 3cms now for 4 weeks,but that's usually not the case. Just think of it this way, you'll definately be having him within the next two weeks if you decide to let your Dr induce you at 42 weeks. I doubt you'll go that far,though :)