I am 33 weeks and 4 days and have been 1 cm since 26 weeks. I was a fingertip and 20% effaced last Wednesday and my cervix was shortening and softening according to the exam. I started having some good contractions last night about 6-8 mins apart, they stopped tho, and I have had a lot of mucus coming out, like pinkish. I can put 2 fingers in the tip of the cervix now. I have really sharp pains like stabbing across my pubic bone, and my lower backs killing me. I'm having contractions but am not timing them. I'm scared to have this baby this early. They gave him the steroids for his lungs at 26 weeks when I was admitted for pre-term labor. I have 2 girls, the youngest is 4 and I feel as tho I forgot all these signs. Everyone who has seen me said the baby dropped even more in the last 3 days. I was vomitting and had bad diarea 2 days ago. Any help?????? No wae broke yet, thats kinda what i'm waiting or since it never broke with my youngest, and my 1st was a month early ad it broke up top and they had to break it completely. my youngest was ready a month early, i was 100% effaced and 2 cm but they kept her in 3 extra weeks. I'm scared, please help.