Just wondering if anyone has tried VBAC. I am expecting my second and it's an option for me. My first was a scheduled C-section, because my daughter was breech- with no complications what so ever. 11 months later, I found out I was pregnant again and my dr has no problems with me doing either way. Just wondering about the rules (ie. can you have any type of pain medication, etc)....
i haven't had a section b4 but im on baby number four i know you can do vbac and the epidural is still availble for you to have a pain free labour also diamorphine gas and air etc etc
I am due around June 11th, and am having a vbac performed. I felt like I missed alot due to the unscheduled c-section the first time. I was so drugged out that I don't remember much. My doctor this time said the biggest problem would be if my c-section scar ripped open. I figured that if that would happen, I would have been cut open anyways.....so I am giving it a try. The only thing is that she told me I actually have to wait until I go in to labor instead of being induced. If you want to do this then I wish you good luck!