Hi, I am 20 weeks preg with my 2nd child. I have been experiencing contractions which I am pretty sure are BH, but wondering when I should be concerned. They seem more frequent than they should. I had them with my 1st pregnancy, but they didn't seem this frequent. Has anyone else experienced this?
No i havent sorry, i think they might be braxton hicks im due today and been having aching pains for a few hours now and im starting to get worried that i might be in labour ive also got really painful stomach pains where my skin goes very tight. Do you think i could be in labour?
Sara, they are probably just BH, but my doc told me that if I have more than 6 an hour for a couple of hours to call. Try and count how many you are having. Laura, sounds like you could be in labor, I would call your doctor!
Where on you stomach are you feeling this pain?