I am currently 37 weeks along. Since I was about 22/23 weeks, I consistently measured two weeks farther along than I was. My husband is in Iraq right now and we're trying decide when he should come home. This is my first child, so I have heard that you usually deliver late. But I curious if I could be two weeks farther along than what I am listed as. I've only had one ultrasound at 20 weeks, and on that it said I was due Jan 25th. What are the changes that I'm 39 weeks instead of 37 weeks?
Since this is not a matter of waiting for your DH to drive home from work, I mean he's over seas for crying out loud, and will probably require extra efforts to get home since he's military, have you concidered talking to your OB? Perhaps s/he can guide you towards a time line or even create one by inducing on a particular date that you KNOW DH can be there. Just a thought concidering your extenuating circ_mstances. Good luck! BTW, my 1st was born at 36 weeks, so the "1st babies are always late" thing is a theory, not a rule.
I've always been told you deliver early with your first... I don't know for sure though, seems as if everyone has different "pregnancy facts" these days. I agree with cayingo, ask your OB! Best of luck!!