I am 36 weeks pg and i am having alot of pressure and sharp pains in my back and lower stomach. i am also 2 cm dialtad and thined out. should i be going back to the hospaital because im in labour or is it just bh?
well, pressure isn't the same as labor - I had a ton of it, with the sharp pains, very early on. If you start getting contractions that are regular I'd go get checked. I was 3cm and 80% effaced at 35 weeks - and nothing happened for ME but keep an eye on contractions!
Is there any regularity to them? I know the general rule of thumb is to go when they are about 5 min apart or less, painful and gaining intensity. You can always call your doctor and tell him or her what you are feeling and they will tell you what you should do .
i was just there and they said they are contractions but they are going to slow and to come back if they get worse or my water breaks. how can i induce it to make it go faster?
keep walking and staying active!! really, there's not a whole lot else you can do if it's real labor - it will go as fast as it wants. :) Are you sure you're ready to have your baby at 36 weeks?
Maybe try some swimming, the day my water broke i had been swimming laps that morning. It was probably just a coindence but it never hurts to try plus it is good exercise for pregnant women b/c it is so low impact.
ok i just got back from yet another docs appointment and they said im not 3 cm dilated and 50% effaced. i have 2 questions now. what does that mean and how can i speed it up really fast?
So your not quite 3 cm dialated and 50% effaced? Are you still 2 cm? I would say if you were 3 cm and 50% effaced that you are making progress and keep up the walking and love making. These things take time, babies come when they are ready.
I am 37 weeks today and I have been having lots of BH contractions. I think I lost my mucus plug (tmi) on monday and tuesday. This is my first pregnancy so I'm not really sure. I know that as of last thursday I was 2.5 cent dialated and 50 percent effaced. I do have a dr. appt tomorrow and they will check me again. I did have a couple of really strong painful contractions on tuesday morning but nothing like that since. Can true labor start and stop? And does real labor start off feeling like BH? I just want to be done. I want to hold her.