I'm 40 weeks today and haven't felt any contractions whatsoever in the last week, and my mucus plug is still in place. Last Tueday I was 1cm and 60% and he's moving around as though he's content with being in there. I just need some hope! Has anybody on here went from a situation similar to mine to ending up in labor during the middle of the night or the next day even?
Foxxy - I am 39 weeks, mucous plug still there I think... Yesterday I was "pretty much closed" and 70% effaced. I feel like I'll never go into labor.
My sister is 40 weeks and isn't even slightly dialated. She's seriously considering casrol oil. It works for most who are already even slightly dialated, but side effects aren't fun. I know another who tried it and she was in labor later that day! Read up about it and see if it's a choice you'd take!