How Much Longer Can My Body Do This
8 Replies
I'd love some help here. I'm almost 5 cm dilated and 70 percent thinned out. I have a contraction here and there but nothing regular. It feels like each time I go to my doctors apt. I'm another cm. I'd love to know if there is something I can do to get this process going. I feel like I'm hanging on by a thread, if I could do just the right thing I'd go into labor. I'm already almost half way there. I'd have to go to my doctors apt. next week and have them tell me I'm a 6 cm. Ugh.... what to do?
Hi Beth.. I'm in a similar boat, but only 3 cm and 50%. I'm 3 days overdue, how far are you? I've had lots of contractions, but nothing to wear I can't function. My midwife said to try to take my mind off of things (easy for her to say - she's not contracting and anxious!) by taking benadryl to sleep, go to a movie, have a nice dinner.. Things you won't be able to do once baby arrives. That will help your uterus to relax so that things keep progressing. Supposedly, the best labors start in the middle of the night because your uterus is relaxed and baby is ready. I hope tonight's our night!! GL!
Hey, I would think at 5 cm you would probably go sometime soon. With my first I went to the hospital not in labor but I was almost 5 cm and 80% effaced and had been that way for (sorry to say) almost a month. With my second I started dilating and thinning around week 35 or 36. I had both boys at 38 weeks 5 days.
hey i read my response i had not been dilated to almost a 5 for a month but had been walking around dilated to at least a 2 for a month. I was almost a 5 for probably several days.
Beth00, how are you? Just wondering how it's going, and if you've had your lo yet.. I'm still here, but today has been awful, and I've lost my mucous plug thruout the day. Hoping tonight's the night. I've had so much 'false' labor, I'm afraid I won't know the difference since I'm used to the pain!. Hope you're doing well, keep us posted.
Yeah, I was in labor the other day with false labor, again. The doctor told me that I have an active Uterus. oh goody. I lost my plug a week ago but still nothing. Found out the baby is turned face up instead facing down so I'm suppose to get onto my hands and knees and hopefully that will get her to roll over and put more pressure on my cervix. At this point I figure she'll have to come out at some point and I'm not going back to the hospital until my water breaks. Good luck with you!! Hopefully you'll have your baby today. Let me know how it goes.
Hi Beth, how's it going? I went for a checkup today, and had a NST - baby is as happy as can be. My baby is also not flipped yet, and I was told to be on my hands and knees as much as possible to help him flip. I still have contractions every night, lots of back pain, but it fades away when I lay down to sleep after a couple hours. I think if he was in a better position it might be quicker. I'm now 8 days late, and hoping it happens soon! Today I'm still 3 cm and 50% effaced. I still have been losing my plug, so obviously that isn't a good sign of imminent labor for me. Hope you've had your baby or are on your way!
I was told as long as your 4cm dialated the hosp will admit you and if you dont dilate quick enough, they may induce you. I also heard castor oil works for those who are already dilated, my friend took 2 tbsp and went into labor that night. I took 2 tbsp and had mild contractions every 3 min but stayed at 1 cm dilated, the nurse told me if I would have been 4 cm i would have been admitted. Maybe you just need the castor oil to give your contractions a boost. Good luck
At 5cms you are considered in active labour and you should have been admitted. If the contractions weren't coming strong or frequent enough then they will either break your water or put a drip up. Walk and don't stop walking until you need a break. An 'active uterus' is what put me into labour with my first at 34weeks. I was told that it wasn;t active - it was just continuously contracting and because it was used to those contractions it wasn't until I was ready to deliver than I felt any pain. It was the same with my other two pregnancies - no pain until 7-8cms and I delivered an hour later on each. Be careful if they don't admitt you as being so far dilated and effaced things could move very quickly and you may need to move just as fast to get to the hospital.