I Need Info On Being Induced
4 Replies
I am getting induced on thursday and i have heard that this can be risky business. Can anyone shed some light on this for me and/or share the experiences that they have had. Thanks
I was induced on August 16 and it went great! I was at almost 3 cm when I got to the hospital. They started me on an IV and came in later to add the pitocin. Then my doctor came to break my water. I started having pretty strong contractions (but nothing I couldn't handle). Then my nurse came back and realized that she had forgotten to hook up the pitocin to my IV, so I was having those contractions on my own. My labor went beautifully! I only pushed for 7 minutes and I had one small tear. So it was a wonderful experience for me. Hope yours goes well.
I have been induced 3 times. twice with pitocin and once with protaglasdin gel. the first two labors were 3 hrs with a few pushes and no tears or st_tches. I just had my little boy Aug. 15th and they use the gel. Contractions started at 5PM he was born at 7:19PM. No complications and I had no tears or st_tches. If I had another one I'd want another scheduled induction.
I was induced with pitocin. It went well, the contractions really started coming on once they broke my water. The only negative thing that I can say about it is that it caused my contractions to come on really close together so I didn't get much of a break to rest. But she came out healthy and I just had 1 st_tch. good luck!
My mom was induced when she was pregnant with me but chose not to get the epidural and said it was horrible. It was like having a constant contraction so she ended up asking for some painkillers. But the nurse forgot to check and see how far dialated she was first ,she ended up being dialated to the point where they wanted her to push,and because the painkillers were given so close to the time I was born I came out a little blue. Luckily there weren't any serious effects. But if you are induced I would suggest getting the epidural and make sure they check to see how far dialated you are before taking any meds.