Im having tightening pains all over my belly, what does this mean? And i think my mucus plug may have fallen out but I'm not sure, how do i know it was the plug? And is there any other form of and epidural besides spinal?
Well the tightening pains are most likely the Braxton Hicks contractions. Your uterus is getting ready for the BIG DAY!! If you lost your plug I think your discharge gets alot thicker and you probably will see more of it as you use the bathroom and wipe. This is what I was told by a friend, so dont quote me on it to much...lol
Melissa is right at Braxton Hicks, and also there isnt another sspidural besides spinal. they Have a shot they can give you, which personally i dont think takes away the pain, just kinda maked you feel drunk lol.
tightening pains are normal....im 37 weeks pregnant with my 3rd baby and the best advice i can give you is if you cannot bare to walk while you have those pains you should go to your birthing center. its normal to have pain..but not pain that you cant stand.