Looooong Labor Then C Section
3 Replies
| CJ - October 19 |
Why does this happen? To women who have ended up needing a c-section after laboring forever, how intense was the labor and why did u need a c-section. Does shape of a woman's body matter or just size?
cj this happens more than you think.I have had one natural,one section and would prefer the section anyday.Before I got pregnant again I was adament that I was'nt going to go through labour like last time,so it was agreed,my what a difference,actually enjoyed the birth,and the recovery was fine.
I went through about 36 hours of labor (don't panic when you hear people say that... it wasn't like 36 hours of pushing / hard-core labor. Most of it was easier labor pains). For some reason, I had a "lip" on my cervix that wouldn't get out of the way so I could dialate all the way. I was stuck at about a 9 and no matter how much I pushed, my baby couldn't get past that. I had a C-section that healed just fine and then went on to have a VBAC three years later.