Lots Of Pain But No Regular Contractions
7 Replies
Does anyone know if you are in a lot of pain at 39 weeks but arn't having regular contractions and you go to the hospital, what do they do? Do they just give you pain relief or do they induce you???
depends on whether or not you're dialated, and on the doctor.
I am almost 2 cm dialated and 60%. I am having A LOT of pain and pressure between my legs but very inconsistant contractions. The pressure is so bad sometimes I can't walk. I
i would say to go in and get checked. This recently happened to me. i was having contractions on and off all day so iwent in. i was only to a three and the contractions weren't reading on the machine. but since this was my third i knew i was in labor and i was in pain. they would not induce me. it was weird though, i couldnt feel the contractions in my stomach( maybe that's why the machine didn't catch them) i felt them all in my hips and pressure. Any way they sent me home which is an hour away and told me to come back when the contracitons were regular and or my water broke. I was too scared to go home because i live so far so i just went to stay at my aunts who lives 10 mins from the hospital. my contractions were not regular all day. if i stood up they were between 3-5 mins apart and very strong. if i layed down they were 8-11 mins apart. this went on till 3am then finally i knew i was in labor so i figured that i'd go back to the hospital to see if i had dialated any more because i really wanted some meds to help me sleep because i had been up off and on for two days. i was just hoping that i was maybe 5cms. when i got there i told them what was going on so they put me on that d__n machine again and the contracitons were barely registering. anyways when they checked me i was at 8 cms they couldn't believe it. i had the baby not long after but if i had listened to them and gone home i know i wouldve had the baby in the car because i live soo far and i probably would've waited a little longer just to make sure. WIth my second son i went in and i was at 2 cms and they put me on the drip right away and i had him not long after.
I went to the hospital for the same thing, what they do is check your cervex to see what is going on, it was false for me, but they have to check the timing of your contractions also, they hook you up to a machine.
Well... I answered my own question. I called the Dr. and got sent to the hospital. They checked my cervix, monitored me for an hour, then checked me again. I dialated another cm (totaling 3 now). Then they told me to walk for 40 min. I didn't change again so they sent me home luckly with a couple sleeping pills so I could get a good night sleep. They did say though that I would probably go w/in the next couple days. I sure hope so!!!
you must be so excited! A few days before i had Matthew (now 12wks!) i was in a lot of pain, mainly really achey, then had my midwife appt the day before my due date and the midwife told me i still wouldnt go into labour for a while yet, atleast a week away. She was wrong, i went into labour the day after my due date. So you might not have to wait very long for your baby either!! Goodluck with the birth and hope all goes well.!!
| Sam - February 4 |
i am currently 38 weeks, with my second and am in ALOT of pain, i have alot of white and sometimes greenish/white discharge adn alot of contractions ...hard ones ...but none are at regualar intervals .... does this mean anything at all ...everything happened with my first very fast and im at a lost this time ... is labor starting or is it just false hope?