How long did you have to wait for labor to start after losing your mucus plug?
I started losing mine the 14th of September and lost a lot of it on the 22nd including blood.... I am now 37 1/2 weeks and still waiting... I still seem to be losing mucus too...
i lost mine on the 18th, birth on the 23rd--so 5 days after.
I've been losing pieces of mine for a couple months and that's what happened with my first pregnancy...started losing in late August/more in September with both pregnancies and with my first I was induced and had my son 10/28 and with this pregnancy I'm 36 weeks still losing it and it doesn't look like I'm going into labor anytime soon...still waiting. It depends on the person. Some people lose it all at once some lose it a little at a time and some lose it while in labor.
i lost mine yesterday...yuck! anyway im still here but have been in pain. I go back to the doctor tomorrow at 12. Hopefully they will induce me I am almost 39 weeks... but have Gestational Diabetes and the baby is almost 8lbs so she is ready!! if you loose your mucus plug does that mean u began dilating?
4 days after my whole plug came out, my daughter was born at 37 weeks.
It depends, if you are a first time mom, chances are you'll lose it a few days to a week before. If you have had children already, you may not lose it until you are actually in labor. I didn't lose mine with my last child (5th child) until I was a good couple of hours into real labor.
I lost my plug late Sunday night, early Monday morning and had my son the following Thursday afternoon.
I only had labor with my first (other two were scheduled c-sections), but I never saw my mucous plug when in labor with him. I guess it happened sometime after the pitocin induction. Probably either when I was in too much pain to care or after the epidural when I couldn't feel it... either way, it must have been at least 17 hours into labor...
How would you know when your entire plug is out? Mine has come out little by little but how would I know when it is all out?
Um normally your Doctor can tell you when they check you to see how dilated and effaced you are.