Hi I'm just starting this post because I'm 2 days past my due date now, was due on July 20 and it's so frustrating! Even knowing the statistics about first babies being late, I really thought I'd have my baby girl before my due date!! Just wondering who else is overdue, and have you had any symptoms yet? My water hasn't broken, and I haven't had a bloody show or any really strong contractions so I'm just waiting!
By the way, Mellissa are you still out there? I know you had the same due date as me so just wondering if you've been luckier than I am! ;)
Hey Catrina... I'm still here... Looks like we're in a race to see who has our baby first. hehehe (i gaurantee it will be you..i'm not so lucky!).... I had my checkup yesterday and i finally made a tiny bit of progress. I am at 2 cm now WOOHOOO!!!!!! I have an ultrasound scheduled for thursday and if the amniotic fluid is low, they will keep me and induce that day. If not, I go back friday morning to discuss inducing. I really love being pregnant, but i can't help being disappointed now as it looks like induction is the way it's gonna happen. They made me go to 42 weeks with my daughter and I was soooo miserable! luckily this time they said they won't let me get that far. The only complaint i have right now is that the baby is SO LOW and my pelvic bones feel like they have been stomped on a million times.I can't stand up too fast..so everytime my phone rings from the other room i feel rediculous trying to get to it. My midwife did strip my mebranes yesterday and today i'm having quite a bit of yellowish, slimy disharge...don't know if it's part of the mucous plug or what. What are you doing to keep yourself busy? I'm too paranoid to drive now so I've been playing in the sprinkler with Rylee all day...and I think I might organize my photo albums tonight... this pregnancy has flown by but now that i'm over my due date i feel soooo bored!!!!
Hey there! Well I made it through another night with no baby! I think you might be closer than I am! I'm living in England right now because my fiance is English and he's waiting for a fiance visa to move to the US with me (I'm American) but here in England they don't check how far you're dilated before you are overdue, so I don't know how far I am, at least you know you're 2cm! I am SO bored all the time. I have already done handmade birth announcements and started working on a sc___pbook of the baby to give to my fiance's mom before we move to the US, but everything is getting on my nerves now and I really want her to come! They already did a scan this past Tuesday to check my amniotic fluid and it's not low so they're happy to make me wait longer and they haven't even mentioned induction yet!!! Although, like you, I would prefer her to come on her own. If you do go soon make sure you come back and post your story on here so I can read all about it!
I really cannot believe i'm still pregnant! i was so hoping this baby would want to come on his own. as much as i love being pregnant, i want to hold this baby and see my husband!!! i wish i had time and energy to make birth announcements and do all that... but unfortunately my two year old is pretty demanding. most of what i get done, i get done at night when she is in bed.
hi catrina i was due on july 18th, 6 days ago but here i am still waiting with no signs of labour coming soon... I havent lost my mucus plug or had any strong contractions either. i have a doctors appointment tomorro and the doc is going to talk about inducing me which is sad becoz i really wanted to have this baby on my own. do you know if u are having a boy or girl???
Here I am, still pregnant, now it's 4 days overdue! Had a really strong contraction last night that took my breath away but nothing else. I got my hopes up too! lol. Mellissa- Yes I bet it is hard being this pregnant and having a toddler as well! This is my first so I'm taking advantage of the free time, but my fiance wants 4 or 5 kids if you can believe that, so I'm sure I will be in your boat in a few years! Ashchik- Hi there! I feel sorry for you because I'm already getting frustrated at 4 days over and even another day sounds like ages to wait. I'm having a girl, we're naming her Cailyn Tina. What are both of you having? And it sounds like you both are the same as me in wanting your babies to come naturally and not be induced! I really don't want that, I heard it's awful. Have either of you had any new symptoms today?
I'm still pregnant too. Last night was the most miserable night of sleep i've gotten (or not gotten) this entire pregnancy. my bones felt so bruised and i had to pee about 10 times!! today i'm doing okay, just really sore. Catrina, my hubby and i discussed having 3 or 4 kids, but i'm really starting to feel that 2 is enough for us... financially it wouldn't make sense to have more than two... i'm so set on giving my kids everything because i grew up in a family of 8 kids and we didn't have anything! but we'll see how i feel in a few years when this one starts school! We are having a boy, Diesel Waylen. I can't wait.. I've always wanted a son! Getting induced with my daughter actually wasn't nearly as bad as I've heard it could be. I guess I was one of the lucky ones. I want to see what it's like naturally because everyone says it doesn't hurt as bad as being induced... and i wasn't in enough pain for long enough to need an epidural last time.. so hopefully this time will be the same. I can't wait for thursday to get here... then i can get my ultrasound and find out when this baby is coming!! maybe he'll surprise me and come before then... we'll see. :) How are ya'll feeling?
i am officially over due now as my due date was the 24th. i think i am making some progress though. i think i was nesting this morning like as soon as i got out of bed all i saw was mess and just had to clean and still i am not happy with what i have done. my doctor is going to strip the membranes this thursday so hopefully that'll help things along.
Hey there I was due onJuly 20 too and i am still here...is there anyone who have gone to deliver and was it done naturally i am so afraid of induction...
I was due on the 21st and still _nothing_. Catrina- where in the UK are you? I too am American living in the UK, in Windsor. Today I went to have an internal check done at the hospital, but she says I'm not dilated at all- she could barely fit her fingertip into my cervix! But, I go back again on Saturday to be checked again, if all else fails they've said they'll induce me on Tuesday (Aug 1st). With my daughter I was also about a week late, but my water broke on its own- however contractions just sort of stopped. They had to put that gel on my cervix and then I think they gave me something in a drip to induce stronger contractions- man were they painful! I really hope labor happens on its own this time, as I hear that natural contractions aren't quite as painful.
phidelphia, i was induced with my daughter, and it wasn't nearly as bad as i envisioned it to be. basically i worked myself up thinking the pain would kill me... but i got lucky. :) hopefully if you get induced, it will be as smooth as my last induction. kitty-kat, i am also scheduled to be induced tuesday. i'm so hoping this baby decides to come on his own. i'm 3 cm dilated, and 90% effaced, so that's good. i am so curious to see how different natural labor is compared to induced labor...keep your fingers crossed i get to find out!!! good luck to ya'll!!!
well im 1 day over due im scheduled to be induced the 2nd :| im 1 cm dialated adn 20% effaced.....im drinking cohosh tea atm to help get things started nothing yet tho x.x we will see
oh my lord... 9 days overdue!!!! how is this possible? i'm feeling okay, really..other than all the stupid phone calls from people who think asking me if i'm in labor yet will MAKE ME go into labor!! agh!!!! i'm really contemplating either not answering my phone for the next three days, or flat out telling people i would like a little peace and quiet before i have the baby so PLEASE STOP CALLING ME!!!! my MIL called me 3 times yesterday!!! I finally told her, "i am having my baby on tuesday.. if he decides to come before then, great...if not, you will be here the same day he gets here so hold your horses!!!" i don't mean to be rude, but why don't people realize that when you're overdue you don't need a constant reminder of it? like there's something wrong with me, or i'm not "trying hard enough" to get this baby out. please... i've gone 41 weeks and 2 days...3 more days are not going to hurt anyone!!! sorry guys... just needed to vent a little!!
i totally agree im sick of everyone telling what day is good for them fo rthe baby to come out! my husbadns whoel family hasd been doing it his mom actually called me upset about my induction date of wensday because she would rather it be on the weekend!! but in order to have my dr i have do it on a week day and why the hell would i change it just for her its my kid and ill have him when 'IM' d__n well ready lol.....grr family p__ses me off lol just liek my SIL she told me i couldnt do it on weekday cuz she odnt wanna miss work.....anyways thought id vent along with you lol :)