I am only 34 weeks pregnant and sunday i started having contractions. At first i didnt know they were real so when i got to the doctor they were already 2 minuites apart and i was 2 1/2 to 3 cm dialated. They gave me a shot to stop the contractions because they said they baby was still not ready to come and gave me the steriods to help develop his lungs. Now i am at home and im not able to do anything but get up to use the restroom, and i have to take brethane every 6 hours to keep from going into labor again. I go back to the doctor monday. I dont feel contractions now but my stomache still cramps a little ..like in the same place and i sometimes get a sharp pain that feels like i have to pee and also i guess mucus (its just whitish thick stuff) keeps leaking. What is happening and how much longer do u think im gonna be stuck in the bed?
I really dont have a good answer, but I am also 34 weeks preg and started dialating at 31 weeks, so they put me on strict bed rest, and I still am preg.. so I think as long as u stay in bed and dont move around that should prolongue it for a little while..I dont know exactly how long, no one does.. But u want this baby to stay in u as long as possible so that its healthy as can be, so do what the doc says and good luck!