Prodromal Labor Anyone Heard Of It
2 Replies
I'm 40 weeks pregnant as of today. Since week 36, I have been experiencing regular mild contractions. I wouldn't say they are Braxton Hicks because they are very regular and they do not go away with changing activity. On the other hand they are not true labor because they are not getting more painful and are doing nothing to open me up. Two days ago I had just finally opened up to barely a centimeter after 3 full weeks of this. I was told this is called "prodromal labor". Does anyone have any experience with this or any helpful information? If I can't things get moving into real labor, is there at least any way to stop it?
| f - May 27 |
I was told i was in prodomal labor at 34, and had thinned 50 percent all ready. I am now 38 and are 3 cm dialated and not much is happening, so I guess prodomal labor is just annoying more than anything
| C - May 27 |
I am not sure if that is wha ti have or not but i have been having contractions that don't increase in pain over time (but they hurt) and i havn't gone into "active labor" yet so maybe i have that too..It is Friday now and on monday i was 2 cent. dialated and 80 percent effaced no telling what i am now.... it is very misrable and annoying i wish there was something i could do to make it happen faster..