I've heard that sometimes the pain of giving birth gets so bad you can go into shock. Im still unsure if i want an epidural or pain killers.. but does this really happen?
you're more likely to go into shock due to lack of blood, but the doctors will monitor you for that. My mom said with her birth the pain got so bad that after awhile she couldn't feel ANYTHING anymore, her brain just cut it out.
My mum told me that she was told by her gyn that if you're body can't cope with the pain any more it shuts itself off from it by either blocking it from your mind or making you pa__s out until it becomes more bearable. I havent decided what pain relief i want yet, im a big wuss and cant cope too well with pain but i've heard that with an epidural you sometimes cant push as well as you dont know when to because youre frozen so labour can last longer. My midwife's trying to talk me into a water labour, she said its very relaxing and 95% of women dont ask for any pain relief as they're that relaxed in the water. I think i'll wait to see how sore it is first before i say yes or no to anything. Knowing me i'll be biting off the midwife's hand for any kind of drug at the end :o)
hehe-vonzo- it's true about the pa__sing out from pain. I have a good friend from college that used to pa__s out from her menstrual cramps!!! She just had a baby in June- and had him so fast that she wasn't able to get an epidural- amazingly she didn't faint in labor. Now there's one person that I NEVER thought would have a completely natural delivery- LOL!!!
okay ladies because of u im doing a c section LOL jk