Should I Give In And Be Induced
7 Replies
I was due Nov 8th and am now 3 days overdue and my doctor wants to induce on Monday the 13th. I have had a picture perfect pregnancy.....I have perfect blood pressure, I haven't gained too much weight...everything has been exactly as it should be for the past 40 weeks and 3 days. My doctor wants to induce because he says it is dangerous to go too long after your due date. The things I read say it's safe to go to 42 weeks. I am very against being induced! I have been checked every week since I hit 36 weeks and I'm not dilated at all and the baby hasn't dropped down at all either. Should I make him wait a few more days before inducing, or am I just prolonging the inevitable?
Ask your doctor to send you for a non-stress test. If everything is ok, tell him you would like to wait and hopefully your body will do it on it's own. On the flip side, I had to be induced 2 days before my due date with my first because my water broke and I did not go into labor. I was only 1 cm dilated and after 6 hours of labor (the only part that was tough was 8-10 cm) I gave birth to a perfect 7lb 15 oz baby boy. Good luck.
My due date is this coming Wednesday and I have a feeling I will be in the same situation as you llhendrickson. I really am tired of being pregnant although I have had a healthy and uneventful pregnancy. This is my first. I would much rather go on my own than be induced but if she sends me for a non stress test next week and comes to the conclusion I should be induced I will trust her advice. Good luck!
I'm at 40 weeks and my dr. wants me to induce me in the next few days. I've had an uneventful pregnancy, other than numbness in my hands. Most of my friends were late almost upto to the full 10 ten days. Knowing that, I'm going to request a non-stress test and if everything is okay, I'm definitely waiting. I've heard that inducing leads to higher chances of a c-section. I'm going for a ma__sage and hopefully that will help. Best of luck to you.
If everything is fine and has been, I would not be induced, all good things come to those who wait, and a few days or upto 42wks shouldnt really be a huge issue. From what I have read inducing can make labor more difficult and painful and also increases the risk of needing a c-section, inducing is NOT natural, and therefore your body is not prepared for contractions or pushing and is not given sufficient time to stretch and make way for a v____al birth and the baby.. think about it very seriously and only resort as a last option. :) Too many Dr's rush into inducing, take your time. xo
Maybe you could get your doc to hold off on the idea until you are 42 weeks... if nothing's happened by then you should probably at least consider it as there are some people who just don't go into labor on their own.
| djh - November 12 |
I would ask your doctor to wait until at least the 15th, that way the placenta still hasn't broken down and you have more of a chance of your body preparing naturally. Many times after your due date the induction can be "jump-started" by introducing Cervidil or an hour or two of Pitocin. If a woman is truly ready this can start a good labor pattern and the meds can be discontinued. I do caution STRONGLY against them breaking your water for then you will have to stay in bed because of the risk of cord prolapse and then that imaginary clock starts that says you must deliver by a certain hour or its c-section time. That time frame, by the way, is not even evidence based, many women go for two or three days with their waters broken and don't get infections so beware!
I went a week and a day past my due date. I had my appointment to be induced at 42 weeks, but luckily didn't need it. My doctor sent me in for a non-stress test when I was 1 week past, and that really helped me feel okay about waiting a while longer (though my labor started that same night, lol!) I would at least wait a week past your date, then let the doc evaluate. I know that if the baby hasn't dropped and you aren't dilated, there's a good chance that inducing won't work.... anyone else ever hear that? Waiting a few days because you want yourself and the baby to be ready is not a bad thing. Like you've read and other have said, supposedly 42 weeks is the magic number and after that it gets trickier. If it were me I'd wait a while longer.... though the people you work with will drive you nuts! lol