Baby # 4 and never gone into labor on my own--my cervix does not soften. Always need cervadyl. This is the last baby and I want nothing more than to go in to labor on my own. Any suggestions how to get my cervix to soften at home? Other than s_x?
| amy - January 23 |
is evening primrose capsules okay to take while pregnant? and what does it do? i have found no information that says it helps in pregnancy/labour any other tips
Ok, sorry if this is a stupid question.. I went to the dr's yesterday and he checked me and said my cervix was softening.. Does this mean I will be starting labor soon or that things are just getting ready??? Thanks!
Leslie... about 3 weeks ago at the doctor I was internally checked and was 1.5 cm dialated and 30% thinned out, then the next week I was 50%, then 70-80%, now the 4th week of getting check I am 80% and still not in labor...I'm 39 weeks. So unfortunately no, it does not mean for sure that labor is coming soon but it's different for everyone... hope this helps!